Stock Watchlist 1.13.11. ” It can get weird out there”

Stock Watchlist 1.13.11. ” It can get weird out there” Sometimes things don’t add up. Wednesday the market

Stock Watchlist 1.13.11. ” It can get weird out there”

Sometimes things don’t add up. Wednesday the market blasted up 100 points. You would think every stock on your screen would be blasting through the roof. Nope, all my stocks were taking a leisurely stroll up like they were in no hurry, just like my wife when she is in the 99c store.. Not much volatility for a day trader and you will see that from my Wednesday results.

Trades  AONE (+220) LDK(+ 0 holding o/n) SCOK (+ 0 holding o/n) PUDA ( Flat trade minus 25 in commissions ) 4 trade 1 closed +220 realized. All trades listed here.


Scanners: ZLC  ARQL

Previous Watchers : ZAGG TSTC KLIC EROC HDY


Should be a pretty ripe play. Reporting strong sales got this going big time. I was to slow to catch the gorilla part of the move but it’s only day one. I’ve learned that earning runners last for days. Looking to get long at the open.


Just keep it up front. This thing is massively overextended. I will wait for the fade and start to ease into a position.


One day Uranium is hot the next it’s not. However, this chart is ripe to breakout. All we need is a catalyst of Uranium in shortage and she should go. Don’t pre buy in anticipation of, wait until it breakout first.


40% bounce and not sure why. Volume was pretty heavy on that move so I will monitor Thursdays action. I somehow think this moves higher in this market


Not my typical market cap trade but I can’t ignore this pattern. Up well over a 100% in the last week. There is speculation Intel was going to buy them out but noway would they do it this price. This stock has created a ton of bagholders and I know how this story ends. looking to swing short this



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