Lincoln Alerts +11k For The Month and Watchlist for 8.29.12

It’s big and robust Another +30% overnight winner for Lincoln Million

With Tuesdays gains my day trade account crosses +11k for a the month

Some real nice early trades on FSLR SRPT and EDU put me up nice for the day an got my 50k day trade account over 11k for the month. his is my 33rd +20% gaining month on that account.  Check out my style and approach by joining me for a free 14 day trial. If there is a negative in all of this it is the fact that I need to stop trading in late summer afternoons.I’ve had +19,,000 in morning gains this August but -7,500 in afternoon losses. That +19k is part time work too. Any trader would understand though because it’s hard to keep your finger off the button but it’s time I made a conscientiousness effort to slow down in the afternoons

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