The Saddest Post I Have Written

““Grief does not change you. It reveals you.”

I will not be working on Monday as I have made the tough decision to put my cat Taz to sleep. He has had a few operations this year for a cancerous tumor but it continues to come back. Taking in to account his age and other medical problems his time has come. Many will view this post and say “How silly to act like this over an animal”  but for many of you that have animals I’m sure you can relate. For some of us and especially those of us who do not have children like myself, animals become a big part of your family just like a human being.

I have had Taz for 21 1/2 years which is like 105 years old for a person. I found Taz in 1991 when I was taking a Ju Jitsu class in Ocala Florida. He had been removed from his litter too soon and was unable to walk or barley see. He was so little he had to be fed by a dropper but after a month of care he was all normal and began his journey with me.

Taz has been with me for almost 1/2 of my life and for sure my entire adult life. He was with me when I was a poor broke 22 year older living in a pay by the week motel to where I am at now. He was with me when I was rich then back to poor then back to rich again. When Taz was a kitten Nirvana was the hot band, Grunge was the fashion, we all had pagers instead of cell phones and only 5 people on the planet had a PC and there was no internet. Through it all Taz never gave a damn about how much money I made or what I achieved, he  was just happy to be near me.

The hardest part for me will be losing my trading partner, yes you heard that right Taz is a trader. For over 8 years there has been a small kitty couch right next to my trading desk where Taz would always be laying every market open. He has been there for all my good trades and he has had to put up with me when I threw temper tantrums and broke stuff from crappy losses. He was brave as hell too as one time he jumped up on my desk and landed on my keyboard and shorted 500 shares of LNG- true story! Often times TheLincolnList members would hear him belt out a huge meow here and there when I was on the mic giving us his “approval” on a trade. But like a true trader Taz never missed a market open.

I am very lucky to have had him this long and very few cats ever live for 21 years and I am thankfull for that.  Even though I will not be in Monday both trade rooms will be open so carry the flag for me.I will not have any watchlist to post Sunday night either but I will on Monday night. I want to thank all of you in advance and I will be back in full force Tuesday morning

Taz 1991-2012


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