Stock Watch 12.3.10
Multi day runners: KUTV (43%) SGMO (30%)
One day runners: LIVE (25%) GMAN (20%)
Decent 2 for 2 on URRE and AMRN shorts but nothing to get all worked up about. Still holding 1k long of JAZZ see if I can catch a bounce on it. There are three massive short opportunities on today’s watch. LOCM REDF and LIVE. All three were previous shorts for me and I see no different Friday. One has to work out nicely.
This should be a sweet one for all of us. This is Devil in a red dress. I hope that it rolls higher tomorrow so we can go heavy on a Monday short but we will take what we can get. Big time short potential
An old clunker trying to get an overhaul. his was a monster bounce and I would love to see one more day but we probably wont get one. This is a top watch for tomorrow. I’m excited 🙂
Closed right at support today. Overall there are short opportunities just look at the intra day. As long as this holds firm in the 16’s it can make it to 17. Lot of ups on this will get corrected sooner or later.
Clear breakout and rolled all day. Possible if the open is strong it can run into lunch, may buy it for a trade. If it fizzels or the rally attempts look weak, we’ll nail as a short