Stock Watch 1.13.12 “Triskaidekaphobia”

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Friday the 13th is the most superstitious day of the year. The U S government estimates this day costs as much a 900 million in revenues because people don’t show up for work , travel or even leave the house. But where did this come from.

In many ancient cultures Fridays were resrved for evil at work. In Ancient Rome, Friday was execution day.In Britain, Friday was customarily Hanging Day. Friday is reputed to be the day Eve gave Adam the apple. Friday the 13th was also the demise of The Knights of Templar.

The prejudice about the number 13 is believed by numerologists. They consider 12 a “complete” number. There are 12 months in a year, 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 gods of Olympus, 12 labors of Hercules, 12 tribes of Israel, and 12 apostles of Jesus. Therefore 13 is the betrayal number. So when you put the two together I guess it’s bad news.

Hey, dont worry we are still trading Friday.

Trades $BORN +650 $RENN +150 $IDIX +130 $IDIX -30 $SD -150 $LNG -90 $ACHN -20 Total +636


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