The Lincoln and the Snake

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The weather was so beautiful in So Cal on Saturday I decided to have my lunch outside. I do this a lot during the warm months and I like to take my cat Stimpson with me. Stimp loves the great outdoors so this was a chance for us 2 old dudes to have some grub and take a siesta in the So Cal sunshine. Out in my deck area I have this huge rock. Most of the time I use this rock as a place to rest my feet and Stimp loves to either lay on it or next to it, that’s just his spot. We must have been out there chilling for at least 35 min when I look down at my feet and laying within inches of my feet, which are bare by the way, and Stimpy, who is laying by my feet as well, is a baby rattlesnake! He had obviously been there for a while because he had made a deep bed in the dirt.

Baby Rattlesnake. This could get ugly

For those who do not know much about rattlesnakes the baby’s are the worst because they can not control the amount of venom they inject. They pretty much go all out when they bite you. I was a little freaked out but I remained calm, slowly got up, picked up Stimpy, took him in to the house and went back out to get this snake out of my yard

When I got back to the snake he was still there all coiled up ready to do battle with me and this is when I had my moment of clarity. Kind of like that restaurant scene in Pulp Fiction where Jewels “has a moment of clarity” and decides to pay forward a stroke of luck he received earlier

Pulp Fiction sceme: Warning explicit

So I look at this snake and say ” Anyone in their right mind would take this shovel I have in my hand and cut you in half with it.But I figured you could have bit me or my cat anytime you wanted and your bite most likely would have killed my cat so I thank you for that. Because I feel I just caught a lucky break I’m going to spare your life but only on one condition, you have to promise me you wont come back. Now I’m going to scoop you up with this shovel and place you into this container and then I’m going to drive you down the road and set you free and I don’t want any crap from you” Yes, I really did have a conversation with a snake. I know they don’t speak English but he seemed to understand because he never put up a fight when I put him on the shovel and he stayed in the container until I got to the open reserve to let him go. When he slithered out of the container he paused for a moment, looked towards my direction and wondered off in to the woods. If I didn’t know any better I would say the snake and I shared a moment of respect and understanding.


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