Kid’s Prescribed Marijuana in CA!

Kid’s Prescribed Marijuana in CA! Remember when you were young and your parents told you pot would mess

Kid’s Prescribed Marijuana in CA!

Remember when you were young and your parents told you pot would mess with your head and make you a loser? Apparently times have changed. Now it’s all good to trip your child out on some nasty shake. In California where medical marijuana is legal for medicinal purposes, providing you have 1 of the 30,000 conditions that qualifys you for a dope card, children are being prescribed weed and marijuana edibles to treat conditions such as ADHD and Autism.

Even this nurse practitioner in Seattle prescribed medicinal marijuana to young children because he says he thought it was the right thing to do

Although giving children daily doses of weed doesn’t sound right it probably is not any worse than Ritalin or the other hosts of chemical drugs  big pharma prescribes to them. Weed and the public perception of weed smoking has changed dramatically in the last few years. Most studies show that over 1/2 the population in America is in favor of legalizing marijuana and not just for medicinal purposes but for recreational use as well.

As more and more people in America accept the usage of marijuana and the recent explosions in marijuana stocks, this is an industry on the rise. There is certainly a gray area when it comes to minors using marijuana but only time will tell the verdict

So the next time you see a young kid smoking a joint and texting on their smartphone, don’t be so quick to call them a pot head loser. They probably just have glaucoma or something.

My how things have changed since Reefer Madness

Here is the video published by ABC News.

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