Lincoln Million 8.28.12 First I think I feel good about dumping that BCOR. It wasn’t bad at all in the win-loss column but it sure felt like a junker to own. Also i started into a new position QIHU which I discuss in tonight’s video. I have been asked a few times about alerts and why no stops and […]

Lincoln Million 8.27.12 We’ve had a nice little run here of some decent trades. It was nice to aactually see my crappy EDU trade touch green for a second on Friday. For those of us that have been gritting teeth on that lets see if this thing starts to sell off some. Even though August has been […]

Lincoln Million 8.24.12 You know how much I like to start out my my day with a fresh cup of green, I’m sure you like it too. Right from the start WWWW dropped like a rock a quick 60c was good enough for me. Im going to hound that stock over the next few days because I […]

Lincoln Million 8.23.12 Nice late day pop in the SPY after the Fed minutes were release. As i said it seems nothing is in the way of the SPY going higher until the heavy hitters get down to business after Labor Day. These last few sessions have left us with a lot of chop so at this […]

Lincoln Million 8.21.12 This be some sleepy days in the market. Although they are sleepy the sentiment is definitely bullish. I have been scrambling to look for more longs to balance out the portfolio since we are still mostly short and in the lack of finding good stocks I went with the SPY instead. I […]

Lincoln Million 8.20.12 This weeks post. It is not about the money but I got that too Performance updated here Auto performance updated Big week at Lincoln Million. It was nice to grab the 100% gains on MCP as we are still in a fight with EDU and SRPT. Anyway the MCP trade puts Lincoln […]

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