Lincoln Alerts 9.27.12 Well it was another decent little trade on FOR. Nothing to get all giddy about but we’ll take the crumbs for now. To be honest I though FOR should have dropped a lot more considering it took out daily support. Because of that I felt it was best to take profits. Also, the SZYM […]

Lincoln Million 9.26.12 Tonight I have a different set up on the watchlist. There are so many of my top tier set ups available right now I cant keep up with them all. I have the outlay of the new AUDC trade with stops and targets. I know some of you were unable to find […]

Lincoln Million 9.25.12 Back on track already with a nice trade today on VVUS. We spent most of the entire trade in the red on VVUS until we closed it out for a nice +30% profit.  I even jumped the gun on that as some students got a full 100% on that trade- not too bad. However, the […]

Lincoln Million 9.24.12 It was bittersweet to finally see GMCR dumping. It was nice to see the fade you knew was coming but it was a bummer that the option contracts we were in expired Friday but that’s how it goes. On the good side it was mice to see VVUS take a dive and get that […]

Lincoln Million 9.21.12 More sleepiness and less follow through in the markets  today. So surprising that late September we are seeing the same action as we did in July but that’s how it goes sometimes. I have a few open positions I want to talk about tonight as a new game plan has been established for APKT GMCR MTK and NTE.  and new watchers LIVE PPHM SREV and TSTC. […]

  I must have searched a hundred stocks but never found anything to get behind today. There are a few set ups that should play out for us tomorrow. No sense in rushing anything.I decided in tonights watchlist to discuss a plan for VVUS  tomorrow.  I don’t want to get too deep in the hole on that one like […]

Lincoln Million 9.18.12 We are starting to get spoiled now on these 1 day overnight winners. Next thing you know we’ll be complaining if we have to wait longer than a day for our profits on these trades. All joking aside it was a nice little trade on FOR and a great way to start […]

Lincoln Million 9.17.12 Lincoln Million trades and stats have been updated Last week was a killer week for Lincoln Million with nice wins on SIMO ARUN and FB. At this point it looks like we are going to lose 100 % of the premium on SRPT and 80% or more on GMCR last half. Even […]

Lincoln Million 9.14.12 For the last few days I have been liking this NTE chart. it looked like after the big market rally that it was going to clear that 10.70 resistance but it was a no go. I still like this one heading into tomorrow and have the strategy laid out in tonight video. I also have some pre placed […]

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