Lincoln Million 11.12.12 This weeks post Broken Bones and Egos. What Racing Has To Do With Trading Not a bad month so far with Lincoln Million even with the sloppy market. I think this week we have a monster opportunity in from of us with FB and we need to take a shot on it […]

Lincoln Million 11.8.12 Looks like the stock market priced in the wrong Presidential candidate Tuesday as it didn’t take kindly to the verdict on Wednesday. At on point we saw a -300 DOW which you don’t see often. In spite of that our GIVN long was working nicely and we took some profit there and […]

Lincoln Million 11.7.12 Crazy night with the election and Champ Camp. I have been getting these watchlists out a little later than normal to you r email. I wanted to remind everybody that Lincoln Million watchlists can be viewed a few hours before email as they are posted on the site first and emailed later […]

Lincoln Million 11.6.12 Crazy day today you have to read this post from the day trade watchlist about ” The Thirsty Pigeon” Anyway I didnt see much out there today that i felt good holding overnight but we’ll see how tomorrow goes. I know many of you asked about ARUN so I included an updated analysis […]

Lincoln Million 11.5.12 Well last week was certainly an unusual one with the 2 days off from Hurricane Sandy and with just cause as many people are still without power and homes. I did update the position page now to not only reflect current open positions but the new recommended positions I discuss this in tonights video. For trades tonight I […]

Lincoln Million 11.2.12 Big market rip today but this was certainly due as the market has been in a bit of a slide as of late. Looking across the board most of the stocks were breaking on low volume and had very little follow through after the first 2 hours so I’m not overly thrilled […]

Lincoln Million 10.29.12 We got the 2fer special going on Friday with two new open positions on FB and SKYW  Tomorrow is a big day with the first class of Champ Camp if you are not in now is the time as the next courses will most likely be more expensive and as a member of  TheLincolnList […]

Lincoln Million 10.26.12 I’m having a knack for picking stocks and they suddenly go nuts. We had JRCC  yesterday and today GIVN. That thing exploded minutes after we bought in and just like a lot of low floaters they come right back. We’ll see how this thing performs tomorrow. Tonight I go over the GIVN trade and offer a different strategy […]

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