Lincoln Million 4.10.14 Nice comeback win for us in ISR. The cheap stocks to the short side have be paying us nicely. I canceled both orders from yesterday as we saw a big bounce in PEIX and ARTX never reached the target Below the video reviews ISR and adds BIOF and GOGO to watch.   […]

Lincoln Million 4.9.14   Well, we had to ditch KERX. I gave it my all but that thing just wouldn’t bounce. Not too surprising as the market has been fading stocks left and right but we put up a fight and came up a little short. I review that trade in tonight’s video and add […]

Lincoln Million 4.7.14 New post: The Evolution of The Trader These auto alerts are turning out to be some whale trades. I know I talked about taking them in the past but I still keep letting a few slide here  and there. What I will be doing going forward is when an alert is laid […]

Lincoln Million 4.4.14 Thanks for all the feedback on the videos. The votes are in and unanimously the videos win. However sometimes the entries and exits can be confusing.So to give you the best of both worlds I will do the videos for alerts but underneath the video I will type in the entries and […]

Lincoln Million 4.3.14 It was about 4 months ago I switched from video alerts to picture chart alerts. I wanted to take a moment to ask all of you which you prefer! I certainly like to talk more than I like to write because my writing is terrible. Tonight I went with video but let […]

Lincoln Million 4.2.14 Thw watchers are in full force! Nice move on HPJ today and congrats to all who took that trade. I of course can not congrats myself as I missed out on it but that is how it goes sometimes. With the alerts, the watchlists and the twitter alerts there are plenty of […]

Lincoln Million 3.31.14 Just had the opportunity to update all the stats for Lincoln Million. As it stands we are up +25% for the first quarter of 2014. That average will put us at +100% by years end but Im goaling for much more. We will see how this next quarter goes.I want to make […]

Lincoln Million 3.28.14 ARTX This thing went up huge 2 days ago off a Seeking Alpha article. Ironically we discussed the impact of these articles on stocks in yesterdays Newbie Night class. Well, before the ink could dry on that article another article follows it up, this time the stock had a very week and […]

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