Lincoln Million 5.30.14 Tomorrow will mark the last day of May it looks like we will finish off our second straight month of perfect trading. As mentioned yesterday you have to go all the way back to march 30th to find the last Lincoln Million loss. Anyway its time to carry that momentum into June. […]

Lincoln Alerts 5.30.14 6 for 7 on alerts Thursday That’s 23 winners from 24 alerts this week Lets do this together TakeĀ a free test drive of our services Make it 13 in a row now for Lincoln Million with an 18% win on $NEWL Well we couldn’t do the perfect week but still a great […]

Lincoln Alerts 5.29.14 Another perfect day 8 alerts 8 wins. That’s 17 alerts and 17 wins this week Lets do this together TakeĀ a free test drive of our services Make it 13 in a row now for Lincoln Million with an 18% win on $NEWL What a great week with the day trade room going […]

Lincoln Alerts 5.28.14 What a day 9 alerts 9 wins! Tomorrow will be better if you get involved. Lets do this together TakeĀ a free test drive of our services We kept up the 80% 2014 win rate with another perfect day, that makes 3 perfect days over the last 2 week. When you work this […]

Lincoln Alerts 5.27.14 Oh My What A Week! 36 Winners Out Of 42 Alerts.Over 80% Win Rate Lets do this together TakeĀ a free test drive of our services It was a great week overall with great accuracy on both programs. The day trade room finished up with 36 ins out of 42 alerts and Lincoln […]

Lotto Curse Over +160% 2014 account gains in both Lincoln Newsletters. Take a free test drive of our services here. How many times have you or someone you know has said ” I just need to win the lottery”? Probably alot right? Ā Well you may need to be careful what you wish for. According to […]

Lincoln Alerts 5.23.14 Oh My What A Day! 8 for 10 on day trades and a huge swing winner. Time is money. What is holding you back takeĀ a free test drive of our services What a day. Another very nice performance in the day trade room going 8 for 10 on trades but the real […]

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