Lincoln Million 6.8.12 It’s been kind of a boring week thus far. There has been a lot of quick hits but nothing that you can get behind. I cameĀ closeĀ to longing some FB today but I felt my entire credibility as a trader would be destroyed, seriously FB is that bad. I will be updating the […]

Lincoln Alerts 6.8.12 WPRT’ed Tour in the UK Perfectionatly huge Trade from the mall It is almost impossible to play a stock any better than we played WPRT Thursday. I mean we hit that thing perfect. I did a video on that here. But the hell with me and my trades. What awesome is this […]

Lincoln Alerts 6.7.12 Mind the Gap Please My teachers said I would never amount to anything Gap up days in the market take the fun out of everything. On gap up days most of the action happens in the first hour with a swarm of buying andĀ that’sĀ it. After that it’s hard to get a pullback […]