To hell with circumstances; I create opportunities.- Bruce Lee

To me life is all about the opportunity and not the risk. You can not achieve the slightest amount of success in relationships, life or business without groping in the murkiness of the unknown.

You can decide as many others do to use circumstances like ” I’ll get to that when I have more time” or ” I want to travel I just need more money” etc. as roadblocks to limit you. It’s too easy to blame a circumstance  for why you are where you are at in life rather than to look at yourself in the mirror and realize  that you are a reflection of the opportunities you have created for yourself. If your life is in the crapper then you just havent created enough opportunities for yourself.

Change your life for $5 bucks

Since we are on the subject of opportunities this next paragraph has the ability to alter the course of your current state. I just updated all of the trades, since inception from my Lincoln Million swing account. I don’t know what is more impressive, the 75% trade winning ratio or the radical 420% account gain since November 01,2011.

I chose to list all the trades in net percentage amounts. At current pace this account will have grown from $1,000 to $1,000,000 in 4 years

Try this program for $5

That’s right, the opportunity is if you have $1,000 you quite possibly will be a millionaire by 2015. Of course I cant promise that and hell it might not even come close. Maybe you only make 250k ,100k or nothing,  However, the journey and the knowledge that you will obtain on this ride will last you forever. Knowledge that has the potential to create a life long stream of income that no one can take away from you.

As with anything in life you will never know unless you start seeing opportunities instead of circumstances. You have an opportunity to be a part of something great. Something that most people will find a reason to doubt , chastise and pass up on. So what will it be for you? Circumstance or opportunity

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