Stock Watch 2.1.12 “Februalia

+13,855 realized gains for January on 50k Daytrade  account

Robotic blog post

The word  February comes from the Latin word Februalia.The origins come from a Februa which is a Roman festival of purification, held on February fifteenth and a time during which sacrifices were made to atone for sins. Those Romans did a lot of atonement but they had a lot of sins I guess.

The February leap year also comes from the early Romans. They attempted to synchronize the months with the first crescent moon following a new moon resulting in some months of 29 days and some of more.

Every other year, February was shortened and a leap month (Intercalaris) was added in an attempt to realign lunar cycles with the solar calendar. The lengths of the years in a four year cycle of this lunisolar calendar were 355, 377, 355, and 378 days. This added up to 4 days too many to stay in sync with the solar year.

Now you are a scholar and a trader. It’s a two for one special


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