Stock Watch 1.3.12 “Resolutions”
2011 results in +466% in relized gains from my 50k day trade account
Lincoln Million Swing Account – 2months +80% realized
January is the pinnacle of all resolution months. The practice of making resolution in Jnauary dates all the way back to 153 B.C. Janus, a mythical king of early Rome was placed at the head of the calendar, this is where the name January comes from. With two faces, Janus could look back on past events and forward to the future.Therefore, Janus and the 2 headed face became the ancient symbol for resolutions.
As most of us know by now the majority of resolutions we make become wasted thoughts. The reason for this is because of the body natural resistance to change. The brain has a habit of keeping you in a daily pattern or system, even if those patterns are counterproductive. This is why many people stay in disfuncional relationships, business and health for much longer than they should. Because change is hard. If you want to see your resolutions through 2012 surround yourself with giants.