Penny Stock Briefing 9.29.10

Penny Stock Briefing 9.29.10. The power of the pattern. Join us in our all new free chat.

Penny Stock Briefing 9.29.10. The power of the pattern.

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VHC– The power of the pattern.
Click on the chart to enlarge.

No analysis needed. This pop will tank. Short this. Lame analysis but true.


What a nice pop off the $4 double bottom ( daily chart ). The close today above 4.76 resistance bodes well for this. GMXR has been in a hella decline for a while so this should squeeze the shorts a little more. I can see a push towards $6 resistance and if some take over rumors etc can get passed around the board maybe it will hit that by Friday. Thursday I will see if I can enter long at a good price


This stock has been on fire as well but I don’t know why. There were some rumors about LLNW being pumped on Mad Money, if so the stock will pop some more tomorrow. The uptrend has lasted all month so I’m not ready to dive in short because it’s not a true crapper but the market will have to readjust the inflated price tag sooner rather than later. Will watch Thursday for the first 30 min and determine the price action.


I’ve shorted CRUS many times in the past and shorted it again yesterday. This turd should not be up a 1.50 in a crap market. I don’t care what the balding Cramer says. CRUS struggles with the $20 barrier an I wonder if there is enough momentum to carry it there. Probably not but we will see. This is most likely a late afternoon short after it has shaken out the weaklings.


Solar was hot on Wednesday. I just love how these cheap scum solar companies pop on whatever garbage news is out there. I know harnessing energy from the sun sounds sexy but I hate these companies. Pick your poison SOLF JASO etc. I want to short this real bad so bad that I hope I don’t end up getting noobslapped.

Stocks still in play from previous watchlists. REDF ( short ) FUQI ( short ) LLEN ( long )

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