Lincoln Alerts 9.12.13 Happy Birthday Lincoln

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It was 3 years ago today I started TheLincolnList. I remember like it was yesterday. At that time I had no internet presence about 54 social media followers and nobody knew who I was ( hell, most people still don’t know who I am) I remember weeks before starting my service I posted on every internet board about the “grand opening” of my new trade room and my many many years of successful trading experience. When the big day arrived for me to swing open the doors of my state of the art live trade room the public came rushing in to see what all the hype was about, all one of him. Yea you read that right one of him, as in singular, just one dude showed up and it was this guy!

I would have to say my trading service career started out alot like my trading career did. Bombed out at the beginning and then it all came good at the end.That just seems to be the way it works for me. I can look back and say I should have built a stronger following or I should have done this or that but in the end I wouldn’t change it for the world. Sometimes we need to taste the sour to enjoy the sweet

3 years later I can tell you Im not the largest trading service room out there by a long shot. But since my failed grand opening I now have over 400 current members +5,000 social media followers and have alerted over $1,076,000 in profits and drank at least 50 gallons of whisky! I’ve taught students all over the world my trading strategies, many who are now earning over 6 figures as traders. I’ve seen people rise from the ashes of financial ruins and years of traders emotional baggage to become extremely successful and most importantly I have met some great people along the way. I’m by no means a trading legend but I have changed peoples lives for the better. I live a great life and each day I get to wake up and do what I want to do for a living and spend those days with the people I want to. I’m lucky, rich and fulfilled.

Remember that most new endeavors, business and personal, often never start out as magical as we hope. Most of us will have to learn a few hard lessons, lose a little money and whack up our egos before getting things right but that is what makes life so special. If everything was so easy achievements wouldn’t be gratifying.

I want to take a moment to thank all of you who have followed me, those who I have met and those that have been members of TheLincolnList. I look forward to many more years of great alerts. Oh and by the way that first subscriber, that inmate dude, he is still in the trade room almost every day! I will probably will the business to him or something like that but for now I’m still going.


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