Lincoln Alerts 7.3.12 Powerhouse

Another +30% short gainer overnight trade on ARNA from Lincoln Million Swing account

Screen shot of trade calls from Lincoln Alerts

I felt like a little powerhouse Monday going 7 for 8 on trades with +1100 in gains it doesn’t always go so smooth and stress free. It all started out when our short trade from Friday on ARNA bagged +30% for Lincoln Million Students . That account now stands at close to +500% gains since November. Here is what is weird though. With the new auto trade feature have the clientele is on vacation, jaunting around the globe while I”m fluffing there account with these gains. Thats nuts but you could be one of these people too.

Also, the daytrade account is well over +120%  in gains YTD mainly from calls like these. That makes both TheLincolnList newsletters in triple digit gains since January. You’ll be hard pressed to find a community like TheLincolnList. Try it for free and be your own judge.

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