Lincoln Alerts 4.9.13 Buffoon Boy

Lincoln Alerts Day trade account crosses 50% gains since January 1st 2013. Take a 14 day free trial

Two back to back monster wins in CBMX and GNE gets Lincoln Million to +1000% in realized gains

Idea, execution and management. That is what you need to pull of a successful trade. I mastered the idea and execution part on Monday but I mismanaged every thing I was in but my GPOR trade. Fortunately the GPOR trade put 400 bucks in my pocket so the day was still profitable. I had some great short entries on SABA and MCOX but got out way way too soon.The good thing though is even on my crappy buffoon brain freeze days I still finished in the green. Anyway,one must recognize and admit to ones faults to better themselves. Tuesday is strike back day.


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