I am Iron Man

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I trade like Iron Man, not that Robert Downey Jr version but the circa 70’s Black Sabbath version. Every day for me its just business as usual, I see far to many traders come in to this game with the wrong approach and mental framework to be succesful.Failing traders develop habits of chasing stocks blindly following annonomis internet trolls  and trying too hard for instant gratification. Thats not how it works. It’s being consistent in ALL markets. Look at these stats


That’s +22.5k on a 50k day trading account- In 2 Months!!. View the stats verified by a 3rd party

And these consistent stats from both newsletters

We have no impact on the market. The size of shares we trade wont move the stocks we trade and all our hoping ,praying, senseless cheerleading and crossing our fingers will do nothing to the stock while we’re in it. It’s all about consistency.Consistency is what measures a winner. Over the course of your trading career you will experience many changing markets, bull runs, chop fest and out right panic drops. Those who learn to adapt,adjust their strategies as the market dictates and go with the flow, those traders will prosper for life

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