Lincoln Million 11.27.12 A few of our swing positions really took off Monday. Eventhough the market was down these things were ripping all day like TASR and MTSL. However, they are still unrealized gains and we haven’t made a dime till we take some off the table. Also, we got ourselves in a new trade […]

Lincoln Million 11.26.12 We had a nice little week with 2 +5% gainers on SZYM and INSM. Lets see if we can keep them going. As you know we jumped into that MTSL trade Friday. It’s very important that everyone in this trade knows that is a pump and dump and one day the dump […]

Lincoln Million 11.23.12 So far a good week for Lincoln Million. Short day tomorrow so I have a short watchlist and I mean short in stature not short in stocks but there are a few of those too. Hope everyone had a great holiday and didn’t over stuff themselves. See you in the morning Unable […]

Lincoln Million 11.21.12 Awesome trade everyone on INSM. We more than made our money back after being short that thing a few weeks back. With the SZYM and INSM trades Lincoln Million has hit 2 nice back to back winners. Also our TASR trade is close to green again and maybe a good add point if it stays above […]

Lincoln Million 11.19.12 Updated the lifetime stats on Lincoln Million. You can view here  Nice little trade Friday on SZYM. I had a feeling it would go much lower but with all the stubborn stocks we have been in lately it was nice to take the quick and easy win. Plus I think that now makes us […]

Lincoln Million 11.16.12 You got the twofer special today as the buy alert was triggered on INSM and then SZYM short. Most of you know the history we have had with SZYM. I think we have shorted this stock 10 times alone this year and this faded earnings gap opened the door for another trade. […]

Lincoln Million 11.15.12 Video– Why FB gave the squeeze sign Two trades down in the book today FB and JIVE. JIVE has just been taking too long and there is a ton of support at 11.90 and FB well FB is FB. I think this trade got so overcrowded to the short side it just didn’t work […]

Lincoln Million 11.14.12 We waiter, we talked about it and now we are in it. As you know by now we opened a short position in FB. It’s very important for those in this trade to watch tonight’s video because there is a good chance this exit takes place in the pre market. Also I go over […]

Lincoln Million 11.12.12 It was time to part ways with SKYW. That thing just wouldn’t break down and I think we gave it enough time. I have been cutting positions a lot faster these last two weeks as there is so much chop in the markets it’s tough to be patient  There is just a select few of […]

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