Lincoln Million 1.7.13 New post this week- The Million Dollar Dimwit Couple of changes on the way for Lincokln Million. We will be switching to audio/screen share chat starting Tuesday. I will provide the log in details tomorrow night. I wont be able to screen share all day but the real benefit will be the […]

Lincoln Million 1.4.13 The market is still ver very strong at this point and we have some jobs numbers coming out tomorrow so lets see how this market finishes out the week. Even though it appears that every stock is breaking out I still cant muster up the strength to buy some of these stocks […]

Lincoln Million 1.3.12 New- Day Trade recap for Wednesday Unless you had a stack of longs you held since Monday there wasn’t much to be had. I found myself late in the day not trusting anything long overnight and I still wasn’t  convinced that its the right time to load up short From today’s action it looks like a heavy carryover from Mondays […]

Lincoln Million 1.2.13 Watch my Holiday toast video and the things you need to win in 2013 Alright I am rested and ready to go. I so want to break that +733% 2013 gain on Lincoln Million with some big trades this year. I keep saying this program is something special and I am glad […]

Lincoln Million 12.31.12 Reminder- I will not be working on Monday- I will be checking the positions here and there and if an important trade has to be made I will issue an alert Also, I want to thank all of you for your support of TheLincolnList in 2012. The Lincoln Million program returned an incredible +733%  in […]

Lincoln Million 12.28.12 Another congrats shout out to all those who took the DQ trade, that was a monster percent winner and it played out perfectly. On the other hand it was a wild day in the market for sure. This fiscal cliff  is like an anaconda choke hold on the market. One minute it looked like […]

Lincoln Million 12.27.12 I was thinking this last week of the year would be slow but who knew we would end up getting two new trades on the books Wednesday. They were just too good to pass up. That’s always been the beauty of the market you never know. Also, tonight I want to go […]

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