Lincoln Million 5.9.13 Congrats to all that were in the BONT trade. It was a real nice win and I had some size on the position too which made this real sweet. The refreshing flavor of the BONT juice was just what I needed. After reeling of 28 straight wins in Lincoln Million I got […]

Lincoln Million 5.6.13 As I mentioned in the post Thursday I felt certain we would see DOW 15k and S&P 500 1600 soon and it didnt take long as part way thorough Friday’s session we saw those targets reached. The 1st video is the OSTK trade and Position updates on PAMT BONT BBX SCON Watchlist […]

Lincoln Million 5.3.13 As I mentioned over the weekend it was time to kick the freeloader stocks out of the portfolio and move on to more attractive positions. Plus because Im convinced we are going to see DOW 15,000 and S&P 1600 soon i want to reduce our overall short exposure. Even with that we […]

Lincoln Million 5.2.13 Nice to see a little pull back in the markets after the Fed meeting. The real story will be tomorrow and if there is any followthrough to the downside or not. I will say that if the market comes roaring back immediatly that S&P 1600 target should be a done deal.The good […]

Lincoln Million 5.1.13 April is over and what an amazing month for Lincoln Million as the account grew by +1,900 which is close to 20% of the portfolio and the account is at +1100%. Not a bad month at all. Even with some of my unrealized losses the performance is still high and we beat […]

Lincoln Million 4.29.13 Solid performance this month for Lincoln Million. I updated the Lincoln Million open position pages to reflect the up to date totals and added the total stats since inception. I will be looking to exit these slacker positions this week that we been holding to free up room for more beneficial trades. […]

Lincoln Million 4.26.13 Another day = more grind. This market is insane strong and seems destined for that 1600 S&P print.However the big winner for us today was ANAC that chart is really panning out for us after coming close to squezing our faces off. Love it when that happens Watchlist UNXL SZYM SBGI ISIS

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