Lincoln Million 6.12.13 Well it looks like we are back to crazy market with one day up and one day down rythum. As mentioned in the last few watchlists the intra day action has been very choppy. I’m stil leaning towards the SPY retesting the 50 day SMA pf 160 so we’ll see if that […]

Lincoln Million 6.11.13 The market felt like it was up 500 points with all the steady grind up in stocks. I mentioned in the weekend video that we may get a push to the upside on Monday and Tuesday and that appears to be the case. Over the last 4 days the “buy the dip” […]

Lincoln Million 6.7.13 The action all week has been sloppy in my opinion, at least for my strategies and set ups but is was nice to see that VNDA finally take a dive and that makes our short position look good. Its also nice to see the high RSI predictability come back in to the […]

Lincoln Million 6.6.13 As mentioned in the last few videos I needed to exit some positions to create cash in my account and I wasted no time putting that cash to work with 3 trades in the afternoon. In the video tonight I discuss each open position plus a way to trade out my alerts […]

Lincoln Million 6.5.13 I continued the house cleaning of these slacker position and now my account has plenty of room to attack better positions aggressively. Tonights video is on the OSTK and GDOT trades and the watchlist is the second video GDOT OSTK Watchlist END NVGN HMA BVSN

Lincoln Million 6.4.13 Two vidios in tonights watchlist the 1st is the RPXC and RVLT trades. As mentioned in last nights watchlist I needed to free up some room in my account for other trades. I still like the look of these two but they are stuck in the mud at the moment. The second […]

Lincoln Million 6.3.13 Cold weather and Gentleman’s Jack. New post about my off the grid trip I updated the open positions page. You can view it by going here Position Review GDOT OSTK RPXC $RVLT IMMR VNDA Watchlist DANG NPSP VRML BONT

Lincoln Million 5.24.13 First off congrats to all that took the VNDA trade. If you remember the second we shorted that stock it tanked and then gaped down in the morning where we covered. Those are the best kind of trades–the ones that work out right away.Best part is I think we get a round […]

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