Lincoln Million 12.13.13 USAK I would like to entertain another short on USAK As with most of these former momentum stock after a few months they run out of juice and fade. I would like to short ONLY on a close below 13.59 As this has held that level all week Stop 14.50 Target 12 […]

Lincoln Million Alerts 12.12.13 Dont forget to keep checking the alert sheet as it is now being updated daily. The alert spreadsheet can be located here RKUS Possible bottom bounce breakout trade on move above 13.57 This thing looked a lot better mid day than it does right now I would use a stop […]

Lincoln Million 12.4.13 What a nice trade on UVE. After spending a few weeks in dud positions we really stepped it up and Lincoln Million has been on fire latley with some great wins on IBKR MHH ENDP and UVE. Cangrats to all for these great trades. Also I am running a holiday special on […]

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