Lincoln Million 1.8.14 First congrats to all who scored on YELP this was a great trade that we were in for a long time and it feels nice to be rewarded. Also, you may have got the email earlier about the alert system. This will become how I enter trades in the future based n […]

Lincoln Million 1.6.14   Champ Camp Season 4 is here Save +30% on early sign up   Everyone should now be receiving the triggered trade alerts via the twitter stream. This is a great feature that should enhance your performance. Soon we should have tese available via email.   Tonight we have GOMO review Position […]

Lincoln Million 1.3.14 Since implementing the new alert system we have seen most of these trades go on to huge gains.View spreadsheet here As you know those originally were to add extra value and provide other trades to you that I would not be able to take. After reviewing the performance I am going to […]

Lincoln Million 1.2.14 Hope all of you had a fantastic holiday and are ready to start the new year in full force. The performance for Lincoln Million in just its second year was impressive with a +135% return but I think we can do better than that in 2014. I’ll be aiming for at least […]

Lincoln Million 12.30.13 Its been a great December for Lincoln Million and even though the win on AER was small as win is still a win.Also, I am very excited to announce some great new alert features that will be taking place for Lincoln Million at the start of the new year. I will let […]

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