Lincoln Alerts 10.01.13 A very nice close to September with over +$26,325 in realized gains.If that were translated to a 40 hour work week that would be around +$132 pr hour. Not a bad living. Especially for a guy that had to take extra classes in the summer to graduate high school and dropped out […]

Lincoln Million 10.01.13 A nice close to September with over +$26,325 in realized gains in the day trade room and +2600 in gains for Lincoln Million. You can view Lincoln Million updated stats here Plus September performance placed the Lincoln Million program at over +1600% gains since inception. Also, my new auto trading program is […]

Lincoln Alerts 9.30.13 Added +2071 in gains Friday and pushing close to +18,000 in September gains. That is about 40% gain on the size of my trading account.with consistant daily gains, free scanning tools and a professional and positive atmosphere there is no reason not to to take the no risk 14 day free trial. […]

Lincoln Million 9.30.13 I will be doing a free webinar this Thursday about my new auto trading account. Click here to learn more and to register. It was one of our larget wins ever with the closing of our FU puts. I certailny was the larget pecentage gainer with a realized profit of +400% Congratulations […]

Lincoln Alerts 9.27.13 Added +1031 in gains Thursday puts me over +4500 for the week. Maintaining an average of 1k in profits per day. No risk 14 day trial To learn more about day trading click here, To learn more about swing trading click here To learn more about auto trading click here $CZR $SOHU […]

Lincoln Alerts 9.26.13 Another +615 in gains Tuesday. Maintaining an average of 1k in profits per day. Am I the best ever? Hell no but you could learn a lot from a guy who makes +20k a month in sweat clothes. No risk 14 day trial To learn more about day trading click here, To […]

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