What Does Your Headline Say?

There are always two headlines. The scary propaganda news headlines that the media scares the public with that are usually false and the headlines that you choose to believe and write for yourself. The financial media still has the majority of the public nuthugging on blue chips stocks so they can get shellacked next time the market crashes . They wouldn’t dare tell you how to short ( here is a great video I did on how to short stocks) cause that’s just downright evil and they still recommend that you pay a fund manager so you can get a whopping 4% a year.

Also, they never speak a word on how some of these micro caps move +200% in one day.That would be like AAPL going to $1800 in the middle of the afternoon. They want you to believe only idiots trade those cheapies and they want the average Joe investor to buy 1 share of AAPL with their average 20k Scottrade account.Problem is you don’t know about these stocks because you are too busy following the herd and their headlines and not your own.

Here is my headline . While the markets are down about 2-3% for the month of April. My account looks like this

see full breakdown of trades here here

And for the year it looks like this

See full breakdown of trades here

And I only trade on a 50k account, Damn that’s almost 100% gain in 4 months. And I use no CNBC, Wall Street Journal , fancy computer software or read any of those lengthy financial statements.But don’t take my word for it, I don’t  even want you to believe me, I want you to trade free with me for 14 days so you can see it for yourself

The best part of all of this is not the financial rewards but rather the freedom rewards. I have no boss, no morning commute and nobody is going to fire me because they are “downsizing”. I’m recession proof , I can trade from anywhere in the world and unless I lose my mind I will be able to do this until I’m dead.

The choice is yours. Will you fall for the misleading headlines of turmoil or will you take action. Only you can rewrite your headlines. What do you want them to say.