Stock Watchlist. 02.15.11 “Back to the front”

Stock Watchlist. 02.15.11 “Back to the front” I want shower my valentine trading love on the tape tomorrow

Stock Watchlist. 02.15.11 “Back to the front”

I want shower my valentine trading love on the tape tomorrow and start working my core strategy of shorting back into my trading plan. I have my eyes on stocks like KV.A SCI SWS MERC etc to try and grab small shorts on early morning run ups. That is unless we are in a heavy breakout market then I’ll look to buy breakouts off consolidation. I’ve had enough of searching for breakout stocks and some of these crap wagons are losing touch. There were so many stocks in play Monday it was ridiculous. Sometimes these trades are hard to keep up with. Anyway, another great day in chat. Trade them well


Previous Watchers HUN KV.A


I like the multi day support at 1.70. A decent volume and price breakout on this so some continued  action to 2.10ish should ensue Tuesday


I like the look of this chart too but I’m wishy washy with ANDS. They are presenting at a Bio conference and that might be a daytrade catalyst for this. No movement no play.


Lot of subs played this in chat Monday. Nice gap up so either it pops,  gap fills or doji stars out for days.


Looks real cute just like my valentine did Monday night. 9.19 was a nice daily breakout point. I tried to get a long fill a 9.21 after hours but no luck. Hope it doesn’t gap up tomorrow eliminating a good opportunity


Breakout from a classic flag pattern. Sometimes the intraday movements are unpredictable but I think it goes a little higher tomorrow and the consolidates for a few days.


Bought some of this for a swing trade at 2.31 Closed at it’s highs and I’m looking for a gap up tomorrow and sell there. or at least cut some.


Good breakout today but now it looks a bit overextended. If it gaps and runs early I may look to short this. Not sure I want to buy it on strong action

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