Lincoln Alerts 7.17.12  The A List

Model of Consistancy- TheLincolnList has had 8 losing days out of 137 trading days this year.

See all trades here 

As I said above there has only been 8 negative days out of 137 trading days ALL YEAR in TheLincolnList. Ask any member of TheLincolnList and the first thing they will talk about is the consistency. Most traders probably have at least 8 negative days a month and for some traders 8 negative days out of 8. I know this because I used to be one of them. I’m here to help those people. You should be winning 3 out of the 5 days during a week, bare minimum. If not you need help.

The trade room is on fire with solid calls out of the gate on AFFY and ALNY. AFFY was a slam dunk cause that was on the watchlist but ALNY was a new face and a pretty new face to be exact. We got in and out early for a nice profit but this was a lot like VHC was on Friday, it just kept going. Lately the momo stocks remind me of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes divorce- they get all the attention weather they deserve it or not.

You got to wiggle your way into the trade room.

Every stock on tonight’s watchlist starts with an A

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