Lincoln Million 7.2.12 This weeks post – Ugly Actresses, Helicopters and Cheap Champagne Lincoln Million Crosses +450% net gains Since November 2011 With the close of AMBT Lincoln Alerts Day Trade Room Stats rival the best Top ranking newsletter on   Results have been updated for Lincoln Million and a list of current positions have […]

Lincoln Million 6.29.12 I had at lest six stocks on my list today to to buy and short but by the time this wacky market closed I found nothing worth sleeping on. We are still in this one day up one day down market that really takes away your edge and makes your risk to […]

Lincoln Million 6.27.12 ” Real Deal” No questions Lincoln Million ha proved itself beyond a shadow of a doubt is a must have program. With today’s closing of FB we are now 13 wins out of the last 15 trades for a realized gains of +113%. As I said before I know what I’m capable of but when these kind of gains and knowledge spill […]

Lincoln Million 6.26.12 Man it was nice to wake up to the huge beat down in AMBT. We’ve been in this trade for about a month and really thought we missed a great spot to cover a few weeks back. As always this is another parabolic short trade that netted double digit gains. Congrats to all and […]

Lincoln Million 6.25.12 Uploaded all trades since inception for Lincoln Million Account stands at +433% On Somethings You Need The Help of a Pro   Well the last 2 weeks of market activity has been choppy and sloppy but the account is still chugging along. +433% gains in just 8 months is something to be […]

Lincoln Million 6.21.12 I have the itchy finger syndrome as of late. I remember when I was a kid my mom would tell me before we visited a persons home ” Now you behave and be on your best behavior and don’t embarrass me ” I feel like telling that to the market right before it opens […]

Lincoln Million 6.20.12 Lincoln Million was a little busy beaver today with trades. It wasn’t but a few days ago I was talking about a rally and now I’m kinda saying “chill out” rally tats too much too fast. These last few days have been rock solid for longs and stingy for shorts. On tap tomorrow is the Fed announcement and […]

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